Congrats on
Week 1 Beauties! The hardest part is committing to and starting the Challenge. So proud of all of your hard work and dedication. Week 2 is just around the corner – here are some tips for the upcoming week along with the Workout Calendar included below.
Remember to: KEEP ME IN THE LOOP!
I want to know how you are feeling, which workouts you love and every detail of your results! Please remember to share your workouts, photos, videos and all the fun details with us on social media! Tag me
@balletbeautiful @balletbeautifulfit and remember that if you are posting in your stories those posts only last for 24 hours - I don't want to miss seeing how you are doing, so please share in your main page on FB, instagram etc and on Ballet Beautiful's pages too! I’m using these hashtags on my posts, #BalletBeautifulChallenge #BalletBeautiful
Mary Helen
Bonus Workouts
Since this is our first 6-Week Challenge I wanted to be mindful of the length and intensity and create something that would feel both balanced and achievable for Ballet Beauties at every level. If you have more energy and want to add a workout day each week – do the bonus day. If you’re tired – listen to your body and let yourself rest!
Can I break it up?
If you don’t have a full hour at once (the playlists are approximately 60 min), feel free to break up the workouts throughout the day based on what works best for you. While I prefer a full hour workout, I know that it isn’t always doable. Flexibility is key. The most important thing is to get it done!
What if I miss a day?
Don’t panic! Add it in tomorrow or as soon as you can.
What if a certain video or movement doesn’t feel right to my body?
For example, if you recently had a baby the ab work here may be too challenging. It is fine to make modifications to the workouts based on your individual needs. I would recommend either changing the exercise to work for you (ex: drop the weights if your neck is sensitive), or swap out that particular video for one that does feel good. You can always swap things around based on how your body feels!
What if the challenge already started but I want to join?
There are two options here: 1. Start on week 1, day 1 and you can follow along but on a slight delay. This absolutely works!! 2. If you want to join us exactly where we are, jump in TODAY and add the missing days at the end of the challenge. It’s not too late to get started!
here to download & print a PDF version of the calendar.